A new crossover?
I used a combination of ARTA and Speaker Workshop to acquire the frequency response of each driver and design a
suitable crossover. However I found that the original TDL RTL3 crossover gave the same predicted response as mine
but with fewer parts and since I'm no crossover expert I decided to stick with that and simply replace all the components
for better quality ones.
On further analysis and measurement it was apparent that the tweeter needed padding down which was not part of the original crossover. This explains
in part why the TDL RTL3's had an emphasised tizzy top end. The quality of the tweeter is far from excellent, but adding an L-Pad does
miracles for it. If you have a pair of TDL RTL3's lying around and want to improve them with the simplest mod, then I can't suggest a simpler method
for good improvement than by simply adding these two resistors to the network!
Rp1 and Rp2 are the L-Pad resistors. These are the only addition to the original network.